Library and SEO modes
Localewise can be used in either library or SEO mode. The recommended mode is to use both. Library mode is best used for client rendered applications or for testing. SEO mode is best used for server side rendered applications.
You should alwyays include the JS library in your website HTML head section.

Library mode

This includes a script that you can add to your website. the content is translated in the browser. It's best used for client rendered applications or for testing. It does not have the benefit of SEO optimization.

The library mode is best coupled with the SEO mode, in that case, client side generated content will be translated and provide a near 100% translation coverage.

SEO mode

Localewise allows you to benefit from the SEO advantages of server side translations. For SEO mode you will need to redirect your DNS so we can serve your translated content. Your original content will point to the same origin server as of now.