
Your first content translation


First step

To activate the translation of the page, please visit your site and choose in the language switcher the language you want to translate. Visit the different pages untill the translation is completed.

Also activate any popup or text that couldresult from user interaction.

Import options

In the import section of the project, you can decide to further import hidden translations text.

1metaimport the text from the meta tags of the page description,title,keywords
2page titleimport the text from the page title, usefull for SEO and wich display in the browser tab
3relthe link rel attribute visible on hovering the link
4altalternative text of image
3placeholderplaceholder text of form elements

Translate other languages

To translate other languages, you can use a different approach. In the editor select the desired language your wish to translate, select then the non translated element throught the fitler section and translate the text with the grid select option.


Exclude elements from translation

Your may want to exclude some elements from translation. For example, you may want to exclude the text of a button or a link or a brand name. you can do it individually, by group or by adding an attribute to the element directly in the HTML code.

This can also be done through the HTML directive data-lw-exclude="true" Please refer to the HTML directive documentation for more information.

Translate blog posts

Blog posts are a special case. They are often long and contain a lot of text. It is practical to translate them as a HTML unit. We recommend to use the data-lw-stack directive to translate them as a single unit. Please refer to the HTML directive documentation for more information.